How to Heal Chapped Hands at Home

Like millions of people, I've been washing my hands non-stop. As you've probably experienced, this frequent hand washing can wreak havoc on your skin.
Beyond applying a moisturizer or balm onto your skin after washing, here are some tips to soothe your hands and prevent dry and cracked skin:
1. Use warm water. Hot water can strip your hands of natural oils and cause more dryness.
2. Choose liquid over bar soap. Bar soaps naturally have a high pH from the binders that hold it together, and this can be very dehydrating to the skin causing it to feel uncomfortably tight. Creamy, liquid hand soap is best.
3. Blot hands rather than wiping dry—and be sure they are completely dry! This will help prevent microabrasions on the skin from rubbing too hard which can be irritating and even painful to extra dry, dehydrated skin.
4. Moisturize after washing. This helps lock in moisture and soothes the skin. Fragrance-free or naturally fragranced lotions are ideal.
Extra Credit! To go the extra mile, apply 707 Balm onto skin just before bed and sleep with cotton gloves on. This will help trap in even more moisture and give your skin a head start for the following day.
Above is a REAL picture from a 707 Flora Customer who used 707 Balm to heal her chapped hands!
Stay soft!
Joan, 707 Flora Co-Founder